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Jeff Smith

Jeff Smith

Lead Technical Writer, has led projects and teams working on documentation in access and security for more than six years. Learning these technologies and helping other people do the same is his passion. Jeff contributes occasionally to various technical blogs and publications and sometimes writes on non-software topics such as productivity, project management, and tech news. To contact Jeff, visit him on LinkedIn.

StrongDM has been featured in Forbes, The New Stack, VentureBeat, DevOps.com, TechCrunch, and Fortune.


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Latest blog posts from Jeff

SSH Tunnel and SSH Tunneling (Port Forwarding) Explained
SSH Tunnel and SSH Tunneling (Port Forwarding) Explained
SSH tunneling, also known as SSH port forwarding, provides a secure method for client applications to communicate with remote servers. By encrypting traffic, SSH tunnels ensure data protection during transmission. This article explores the significance of SSH tunneling, its advantages, how it works, and its various use cases.
How to SSH into Docker Containers [Tutorial]
How to SSH into Docker Containers [Tutorial]
In this article, we’ll cover a way to run console commands in Docker containers that will allow you to mimic the process of using SSH for the same purpose (and if you really need to, a way to gain true SSH access as well).
30+ DevSecOps Statistics You Should Know in 2025
30+ DevSecOps Statistics You Should Know in 2025
In this article, we look at some important DevSecOps statistics that should help you understand any pros and cons of this practice, help you differentiate DevSecOps and DevOps, and give you a better understanding of why DevSecOps is becoming the more popular option.
How to Set Up SSH Passwordless Login (Step-by-Step Tutorial)
How to Set Up SSH Passwordless Login (Step-by-Step Tutorial)
This tutorial will walk you step by step through how to manually set up SSH passwordless login to a Linux server. These commands should work on the majority of Linux distributions, and instructions are included for modern client machines of the macOS, Windows, and Linux varieties.
StrongDM Works With Your Secrets Manager
StrongDM Works With Your Secrets Manager
We’re pleased to announce public beta support for the use of third-party secrets managers with StrongDM to store your credentials. And the best part? There are zero changes to your workflow.
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