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John Turner

John Turner

Customer Engineering Expert, is passionate about helping customers connect to the infrastructure they need to do their jobs, bringing 15+ years of experience in IT environments to his current focus on Infrastructure Automation and Security. He works in multiple cloud environments including AWS, GCP, Azure, and IBM Cloud and stays up to date on various automation tools such as Terraform and Ansible. To contact John, visit his YouTube channel.

StrongDM has been featured in Forbes, The New Stack, VentureBeat, DevOps.com, TechCrunch, and Fortune.


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Degrees & Credentials

Hashicorp Terraform Certified Associate, Hashicorp Vault Certified Associate

Previously At

Duo, TripActions, MailChimp

Latest blog posts from John

StrongDM can’t terraform Mars, but we can Terraform your DevOps workflow
StrongDM can’t terraform Mars, but we can Terraform your DevOps workflow
Terraform, we are a go for launch on the StrongDM provider! We are happy to announce that StrongDM has officially launched as a Terraform provider. That means that in one single configuration, you can spin up a fleet of servers, import them into StrongDM, and provision your users' access in a matter of minutes.
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