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Meghan Stephan

Meghan Stephan

Marketing Operations Analyst, is a marketing specialist with eight-plus years of experience in a variety of industries from sports and entertainment to technology. In addition to choreographing the operations and organization of the marketing team, Meghan teaches dance classes outside the weekly 9 to 5. She holds a bachelor's degree in Communication Studies from Medaille College. To contact Meghan, visit her on LinkedIn.

StrongDM has been featured in Forbes, The New Stack, VentureBeat, DevOps.com, TechCrunch, and Fortune.


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Medaille College

Degrees & Credentials

Communication Studies

Latest blog posts from Meghan

What StrongDMers are Cooking Up
What StrongDMers are Cooking Up
Our strongDM team has their game day faces on and are ready to share some of their top Super Bowl food draft picks! Check out these mouth watering recipes.
How Olive AI Standardized Infrastructure Access in Order to Scale
How Olive AI Standardized Infrastructure Access in Order to Scale
During a featured session at this year’s DevOps Experience, Olive AI CloudOps Engineer Kellen Anker spoke with Justin McCarthy, strongDM CTO & Co-founder, about his company’s journey towards achieving one-click onboarding access and the resulting radical improvements in workforce efficiencies.
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