Log Stream Activity Logs

Last modified on March 3, 2025

activityStringActivity that was performed"admin token created"
actorAccountIDStringUnique identifier of the account that performed the activity"a-0abcdabcdab00000"
actorEmailStringEmail of the account that performed the activity, at the time the activity was executed"alice.glick@example.com"
actorExternalIDStringExternal ID of the account that performed the activity, at the time the activity was executed"e-bca5454"
actorFirstNameStringGiven name of the account that performed the activity, at the time the activity was executed"Alice"
actorLastNameStringFamily name of the account that performed the activity, at the time the activity was executed"Glick"
actorNameStringFull name of the account that performed the activity, at the time the activity was executed"Alice Glick"
descriptionStringHuman-readable description of the activityAlice Glick (alice.glick@example.com) created admin token super-token
entitiesArrayList of entities involved in the activity[ "a-0abcdabcdab00000" ]
formatVersionStringVersion of the log format"v1.0.0"
idStringUnique identifier of the activity"0CEGCEGCEGCEGCEGCEGCE1234ceg"
ipAddressStringIP address from which the activity was performed, as detected at the StrongDM control plane""
logTypeStringType of log, always “activities” for activity logs"activities"
sdmOrgIdStringOrganization identifier of the organization that emitted the event represented in the log"o-6dce5b5663c12e6b"
timestampStringTime at which the activity took place, formatted as datetime"2024-08-01T13:13:20.895597162Z"
userAgentStringUser agent present when this activity was performed"strongdm-sdk-python/8.3.0"