Policy Evaluation and Authorization Information in Logs

Last modified on September 20, 2024

The authz object contains policy evaluation information for a given request made by a StrongDM user to a resource. The authz object can be found in StrongDM logs that pertain to user queries against resources. Specifically, it is located in either in the Start event type generated by nodes (gateways and relays), or in the Query event type that can be consumed via Log Stream. It is only present if the query in question was evaluated by policies within your StrongDM organization.

The object is generally formatted as follows:

    "formatVersion": "v1.0.0", 
    "entities": [], 
    "context": {}, 
    "requests": [], 
    "requirements": {},
    "decision": "allow" 

The fields that the authz object can contain are detailed in the following table.

formatVersionString containing the version number of the schema of the JSON authz object
entitiesJSON array of entities used to process the request
contextJSON object describing the context the evaluation was based on
requestsJSON array of Cedar requests evaluated for this query
requirementsJSON object showing the requirements to complete this authorization
decisionString containing “allow” or “deny” denoting the authorization decision from the policy evaluation

Format Version

The formatVersion field is the version number of the schema of the JSON authz object. This can be used to verify the version of the schema for scripts that depend on the particular schema of the object.

Example formatVersion value:



The entities field is a JSON array of entities that were used to process the request. The entities are stored here using the syntax provided in the Cedar Entities JSON Specification.

Example entities value:

"entities": [
        "uid": {
            "type": "Postgres::Database",
            "id": "rs-735d634e6690718e/web"
        "parents": [
                "type": "StrongDM::Resource",
                "id": "rs-735d634e6690718e"
        "attrs": {
            "database": "web",
            "sdm": {
                "__entity": {
                    "type": "StrongDM::Resource",
                    "id": "rs-735d634e6690718e"
        "uid": {
            "type": "StrongDM::Account",
            "id": "a-66c1524e6690718e"
        "parents": [
                "type": "StrongDM::Role",
                "id": "r-77ed01576690718e"
        "attrs": {
            "accountType": "user",
            "email": "test@example.com",
            "externalId": "",
            "isManagedUser": false,
            "permissionLevel": "admin",
            "tags": {}
        "uid": {
            "type": "StrongDM::Resource",
            "id": "rs-735d634e6690718e"
        "attrs": {
            "tags": {
                "essential": "true"


The context field is a JSON object describing the context of the request that the policy evaluation was based on. This context is stored here using the syntax provided in the Cedar Context JSON Specification. For more information on the individual context elements available in policies at StrongDM, see the Policies section.

Example context value:

"context": {
    "network": {
        "clientIp": {
            "__extn": {
                "fn": "ip",
                "arg": "::1"
        "destinationIp": {
            "__extn": {
                "fn": "ip",
                "arg": ""
        "requestIp": {
            "__extn": {
                "fn": "ip",
                "arg": ""
        "target": {
            "hostname": "db.example.com",
            "port": 5432
    "trust": {
        "ok": false,
        "status": "unknown"


The requests field is a JSON array of Cedar requests regarding this query. Each query log event may contain one or more requests.

  • Each request contains the specific Principal, Action Resource, and Context (PARC) request elements as separate objects.
  • The context object may contain information specific to that request which goes beyond the context supplied in the authz context field.
  • Each request contains the diagnostic object which contains:
    • An array of reasons indicate which policies were relevant, and their position.
    • An array of errors indicate which policies had errors, their position, and error message.
    • If applicable, a list of annotations is also included, showing the annotations that were on any of the policies listed in reasons. Multiple policies can have the same annotation name, so each of the values will be in the array.
  • Lastly each request contains a decision that is either “allow” or “deny”.

Example requests value:

"requests": [
        "request": {
            "principal": {
                "type": "StrongDM::Account",
                "id": "a-66c1524e6690718e"
            "action": {
                "type": "SQL::Action",
                "id": "select"
            "resource": {
                "type": "Postgres::Database",
                "id": "rs-735d634e6690718e/web"
            "context": {
                "network": {
                    "clientIp": {
                        "__extn": {
                            "fn": "ip",
                            "arg": "::1"
                    "destinationIp": {
                        "__extn": {
                            "fn": "ip",
                            "arg": ""
                    "requestIp": {
                        "__extn": {
                            "fn": "ip",
                            "arg": ""
                    "target": {
                        "hostname": "db.example.com",
                        "port": 5433
                "sql": {
                    "qualifiedTables": [
                    "qualifiedWriteTables": [],
                    "tables": [
                    "writeTables": []
                "trust": {
                    "ok": false,
                    "status": "unknown"
        "diagnostic": {
            "reasons": [
                    "policyId": "0",
                    "position": {
                        "filename": "po-460eac7b66e8af40.permit.cedar",
                        "offset": 2,
                        "line": 3,
                        "column": 1
            "errors": [
                    "policyId": "1",
                    "position": {
                        "filename": "po-7849329877843982.permit.cedar",
                        "offset": 56,
                        "line": 7,
                        "column": 1
                    "message": "error parsing ip value",
            "annotations": {
                "justify": [
        "decision": "allow"


The requirements field is a JSON object showing the requirements to complete this authorization. This contains two fields:

  • requirements is an array of requirements. Each requirement object contains:
    • A PARC request is included, made up of the four PARC elements (principal, action, resource, context).
    • The values shows the values of any annotations that were included.
    • The ok value indicates whether the request was successful.
    • In some cases a reason is supplied by the user in response to a justification request.
    • An error string may be captured here, explaining why the requirement was unfulfilled if it was not.
    • A skipped Boolean may be captured here. The requirement could be “skipped” if a previous requirement had an error, for example.
    • A cached Boolean may be captured here. A request can only be "cached":true if there was success, so there would never be an error alongside a value of "cached":true.
  • The second field after the requirements array is an error string, which may be captured here if a higher level fatal error occurred.

Example requirements value:

"requirements": {
    "requirements": [
            "requests": [
                    "principal": {
                        "type": "StrongDM::Account",
                        "id": "a-66c1524e6690718e"
                    "action": {
                        "type": "SQL::Action",
                        "id": "select"
                    "resource": {
                        "type": "Postgres::Database",
                        "id": "rs-735d634e6690718e/web"
                    "context": {}
            "values": [
            "ok": true,
            "reason": "I need access."


The decision field is a string that represents the policy evaluation decision for an individual query based on all of the preceding data. The value is either “allow” or “deny”.

Example decision value

"decision": "allow"