Log Stream Replay Logs

Last modified on October 31, 2024

chunkIdIntegerIncrementing identifier of the chunk12345
eventsArrayList of chunk events, each containing the data and duration of the event[ { "durationMs": 12345, "data": "c2FtcGxlRGF0YQ==" } ]
eventsEncryptedStringEncrypted chunk events payload, base64 encoded
formatVersionStringVersion of the log format"v1.0.0"
hashStringHash of the chunk, base64 encoded"Yzk2MTE4NGNlYjg4ZDQ2Y2RiN2VjMTQyY2I3NDEyNzg3NDBhYTExNA=="
logTypeStringType of log, always “replays” for replay logs"replays"
queryUUIDStringUnique identifier of the query"0CEGCEGCEGCEGCEGCEGCE1234ceg"
sdmOrgIdStringOrganization identifier of the organization that emitted the event represented in the log"o-6dce5b5663c12e6b"
timestampStringTime at which the chunk was started, formatted as datetime"2024-08-01T13:13:20.895597162Z"