Last modified on February 28, 2025
This feature is part of the Enterprise plan. If it is not enabled for your organization, please contact StrongDM at the StrongDM Help Center.
A policy is a collection of one or more statements that enforce fine-grained access control for the users of an organization. Written in the Cedar policy language, policy statements at StrongDM can be written by admins to use user context and actions to determine whether they can perform the actions they’re trying to perform, and insert additional requirements as needed.
Access granted through roles or requests allow you to control who can access resources through StrongDM, but those grants are either allowed or disallowed with no further granularity. Policies augment that basic access and allow you to set up conditions for access or for the use of particular commands on a resource, based on known contextual information about the user, such as their device trust status, their location, the specific action they’re attempting, the resource they’re attempting it on, and even the date or time at which they’re attempting to connect. You can trigger a policy with this information, and then forbid access or particular actions, ask for justification for the action to be logged, or even require further authentication steps.
Policies can specify everything that StrongDM users are permitted or forbidden to do, including:
- Who is allowed or denied access
- What resources may be accessed
- What actions may be performed
- What contextual situations may cause approval or denial of access
- Whether MFA is required
Policy is especially useful if you would like to tighten security controls regarding actions taken on production resources, stop potentially compromised devices from accessing resources, and so forth. It can also be of use to prevent particular types of actions, such as dropped tables, while still allowing access otherwise, or if you would like to enhance your audit trail with insights for why a particular action was taken.
Use cases
The number of use cases solvable by policies is large and continually expanding. The policies that are useful to your organization are specific to your situation. Here are some common use case examples that are possible with the current policy options:
- Use the device trust score of the user’s device to forbid access if it’s low.
- Deepen your audit trail by requiring users to justify their actions and log their reason.
- Allow a user’s action to be permitted only if approved by an approval workflow.
- Require particular user actions to cause an MFA challenge.
- Forbid or permit specific database actions for PostgreSQL resources.
- Further restrict access to sensitive resources.
- Forbid access based on the location of the user.
- Forbid access based on the resource the user attempts to interact with.
- Prevent any action that’s unknown.
- Limit a user’s queries to a predefined maximum number of rows.
For more use cases with example policy statements, please see Policy Use Cases.
Core concepts
All policies are built around what is permitted or forbidden for principals, actions, and resources.
- A principal represents a user in the organization or a role configured in the organization.
- An action represents a specific action the user may perform on a resource.
- A resource represents a configured cluster, database, server, cloud, or other resource that is configured to be accessed via StrongDM by users of the organization.
Allow or Forbid Access by Default
A key decision to make early on in the configuration of policies for your organization is whether you wish to allow or forbid access by default.
Some organizations that predate the introduction of policies have a default policy called Global Access that can be modified or removed as desired. This policy allows access grants defined in StrongDM (such as through roles or temporary grants) to continue to function as they did prior to the introduction of policies.
A global access policy is one that allows all users to perform all available actions on any resource to which they have been granted access. A global access policy looks like this:
permit (
Any further policies written add fine-grained access controls to those grants, but by default, the Global Access policy allows all actions against all resources by anyone who has an access grant via a role or request for that resource.
New trial organizations and organizations migrating to or setting up an Enterprise organization must either configure policies for their organization as desired, disable them entirely, or else add a global access policy, so that enabled policies that lack policy definition do not stop access grants from working.
The default for policies is to deny access if not explicitly granted, so role-based grants do not work if policies are enabled and no policies are defined.
You may also wish to give all users or a subset of users access to perform all actions against a particular resource or resource type, departing from the forbid-all presumption in those circumstances. For example, if using policy to control access to use particular actions against a Postgres database, it may be best to allow all actions, and then deny the ones that are of particular concern. More details are provided in the Policy-Based Action Control section.
Policy Library
Policies are added and managed in the Admin UI in Access > Policies. The Policy Library is where you can add policies to your organization. It contains a listing and brief description of each policy that has been created in your organization, along with the Settings tab and Policy Editor tab.
From the Settings tab, you can alter the name and description of the policy.
Clicking either the name or the Details button of any policy in the library opens the details view for that policy in the Policy Editor tab.
From the details view, you can define policies to enforce fine-grained access control over pre-assigned grants. To gain access to a resource, a user must be a member of a role that grants that access, or have temporary access via an access request. The policy statements take this further, by conditionally allowing or forbidding that access based upon criteria defined in the policy.
If there are ever policies or policy statements in your library that apply to the same action, they are all assessed together. If there are any forbid statements that evaluate to true for the action, it is forbidden.
Policy Editor
The Policy Editor allows you to create and edit policy statements, and save them to a policy. Each policy can have multiple statements within it. To edit a policy, go to Policies in the Admin UI, click on the policy in the list, and the Policy Editor tab will open.
The Policy Editor consists of an editing area for writing policy statements manually and a set of controls for generating policy statements based on your selections. Both areas may be used to build policy statements. You may type policy statements in Cedar syntax directly into the editing area.
You may also use the builder controls for assistance constructing a custom policy statement in the Cedar language. These controls make it easy to designate the policy statement type (either Forbid or Permit); specify principals, resources, and actions; and add more context and requirements for a policy to enforce. After setting context, you may then inject the generated policy statement into the policy.
When policy statements are saved to a policy, the policy enforces them immediately.
Please see Policy Creation to learn how to create and structure policy statements.
Policy-Based Action Control for Database Actions
Policy-Based Action Control (PBAC) for database actions leverages the Cedar policy language to provide deep visibility and control over database interactions. PBAC analyzes communication protocols at a granular level, detecting and monitoring the content of database queries using defined policies. It enables fine-grained, real-time control over database actions by defining and enforcing detailed access policies.
Policies can specify constraints for an ever-growing number of specific actions on particular resource types. For example, policy can be enacted for over 180 Postgres database actions, such as Create, Read, Update, and Delete.
To use policy to control resource-specific actions, the following requirements must be met:
- The resource is configured as a resource in StrongDM.
- The resource is properly configured and accessible for policy enforcement.
- You have basic knowledge of the Cedar policy framework, including how to define and implement policies.
- You can learn to use Cedar syntax to effectively write policies.
PBAC supports combining context-based attributes (for example, users, roles, location, Device Trust, time, and so forth) to tailor access control to specific scenarios.
PBAC policy statement structure
When using PBAC for database actions, if a global access policy does not exist, specific Postgres actions must be allowed in policy statements. Writing a policy statement that allows a connect
action on a Postgres resource does nothing to allow any further actions beyond connecting.
If you wish to allow a user or users access to perform all actions on all of the Postgres resource types, you can start with the following policy statement:
permit (
resource is Postgres::Database
The above example allows all users to perform all actions on Postgres resources. After creating this policy statement, you can then write other policy statements that forbid specific Postgres actions as needed.
The following example could be modified to, for example, allow users with a specific role to perform all actions against a specific Postgres database:
permit (
principal in StrongDM::Role::"r-1caa595464152e78",
resource == Postgres::Database::"r-1234/web"
For more details on supported resource-specific actions, see the Action area of the Policy Taxonomy section.
Policy Evaluation
A policy is triggered and evaluated any time the specified principals attempt to act on the specified resources under the specified conditions. The following diagram provides a general overview of how policies are evaluated based on the user’s actions.
After a user successfully authenticates to their client, they are shown a list of resources that have been made available to them through their roles, or through temporary grants.
When the user connects to a resource and attempts to perform actions on that resource, a policy evaluation occurs:
- Permission is forbidden for all users, all actions, and all resources by default, which means that policies will need to actively permit user actions on resources.
- If your organization has a global access policy in place (granting all users the ability to perform all actions on all resources that they have access to) the opposite will be true. Your policies will need to forbid actions that you wish to forbid.
- If any statement in any policy forbids the user’s action, the action is forbidden, even if there are statements allowing it.
- If a policy requires a fresh MFA challenge, the user is prompted and then must retry their action within the next five minutes. It will be evaluated again, but it will not trigger another MFA prompt.
- Policy evaluation may trigger multiple outcomes, including the following:
- The user is challenged for MFA and must retry.
- The user justifies their action (to be logged) and the action is completed.
- The action fails with an error.
- The user is logged out and the action fails.
- The action is completed.
Changes to a policy that cause it to forbid a user’s connection to a resource do not immediately disconnect them from an existing session. The updated policy takes effect the next time the user attempts to connect to the resource, but their current session is uninterrupted.
Policy updates can apply to existing sessions if the resource type in question supports PBAC. Please see the Supported Postgres Resource Types section of the Taxonomy page for a list of the Postgres resource types that support PBAC. The following stipulations apply to the authorization of actions against PBAC resources:
- Re-evaluation of “connect” actions occurs when one of the following conditions is met: a policy is changed, authorization data is changed, or a re-evaluation has not happened in the last 60 seconds.
- For resource-specific actions, each action is being evaluated independently, so the updated policy promptly takes effect upon the next evaluated action.
Policy Logs
Logs of all policy evaluations that occur within the StrongDM control plane are available in the Admin UI or via Log Stream. Additionally, if your log encryption and storage settings allow StrongDM to store your relay logs, policy evaluations that happen at the relay level, such as for PBAC events, will also be included.
field are policy evaluation events. This field is a JSON payload of all data pertaining to the policy evaluation.Policy logs in the Admin UI
Each action that is evaluated by policies is logged in the Admin UI at Logs > Policies. Each entry has the following fields:
- Date: Date and time that the policy was triggered for the action
- Target: Entity targeted by the action
- Actions: Specific action the user attempted to perform
- Policies: Policy or policies that affected the action
- Resources: Name of the resource(s) on which the user attempted the action
- Principal: Name and email of the StrongDM user who performed the action
- Result: Either allow or deny; the result of the policy assessment for the action(s)
You can click on any policy or resource in the list to view more information for that item.
Details view
In addition, for each item listed on Logs > Policies, you can click the Details button to view the same detail as the list view row, but with some additions. Additional items include the following:
- A list of all the actions and affected resources that were evaluated by the policy
- Information about any requirements met by the user during evaluation, such as providing a justification for their action
- The user’s IP and location, with a visual map of the location pinned
- A copy of the user’s queries, if any
Get Started Creating Policies
- To learn how to structure policy statements, see the Policy Creation section.
- To get started in the Policy Editor or try out the builder controls to help acclimate yourself to building policies with Cedar, go to the Admin UI and create a policy in the Policies page.
- To learn more about Cedar to better understand the language used to construct policies, visit the Cedar Documentation.