Secrets Management
Last modified on March 19, 2025
- Overview
- Secret Stores
- Secret Engines and Managed Secrets
- CLI Command Information and Usage
- How to Schedule Automatic Password Rotation
- How to Set Password Complexity Requirements
- Secrets Management in the Admin UI
- AD Secrets Management Setup
- Key Value Secrets Management Setup
- Entitlement of Secrets to Users and Groups and PBAC
- Logging
- End User Interaction With Secrets
On this page
- Overview
- Secret Stores
- Secret Engines and Managed Secrets
- CLI Command Information and Usage
- How to Schedule Automatic Password Rotation
- How to Set Password Complexity Requirements
- Secrets Management in the Admin UI
- AD Secrets Management Setup
- Key Value Secrets Management Setup
- Entitlement of Secrets to Users and Groups and PBAC
- Logging
- End User Interaction With Secrets
Secrets Management in StrongDM allows administrators to control access to and rotate secrets stored in various secret stores. This guide explains setting up Secrets Management using the StrongDM CLI, validating and rotating managed secrets in the CLI and Admin UI, and defining policies for user access to secrets.
Secret Stores
Secrets such as username/password credentials or other “secret” data are stored in your organization’s user-provided secret stores. The currently supported secret store types for Secrets Manager are AWS Secrets Manager, Azure Key Vault, GCP Secret Manager, and HashiCorp Vault.
Secret stores need to be configured to connect to StrongDM and enable StrongDM to manage user access and rotation of the stored secrets. Configuration involves creating a secret engine in StrongDM.
Please see the secret stores documentation to learn how to add secret stores to your StrongDM environment.
Secret Engines and Managed Secrets
A secret engine is what connects StrongDM to the secret store. When a secret engine is created in StrongDM, the ID of the secret store to be used and the secret store root path where the secret engine’s configuration will be stored are specified. For HashiCorp Vault, the secret store root path is a path inside a HashiCorp Vault KV engine.
Your secrets are still kept in the secret store, but they are “managed secrets” because you are using the StrongDM secret engine to manage how and when users access secrets, facilitate the rotation of eligible secrets, and set password complexity rules for secrets that are rotated and updated. All managed secrets paths that are managed by the secret engine begin with the configured secret store root path.
Supported Secret Engines
StrongDM supports the following types of secret engines for Secrets Management:
- Active Directory (AD): Manages and rotates passwords for AD accounts
- Key Value: Stores secrets without rotation
Note that all secret engine types require a backing secret store.
CLI Command Information and Usage
Administrators can use the StrongDM CLI to add, update, read, delete, and otherwise manage secret engines and managed secrets.
Secret engine CLI commands
Manage secret engines in the CLI with sdm admin secretengines and its subcommands:
- sdm admin secretengines create: Creates a new secret engine
- sdm admin secretengines list: Lists all secret engines in your organization
- sdm admin secretengines show: Shows details about a secret engine
- sdm admin secretengines list-available-stores: Lists the secret stores that can be used with the secret engines in your organization
- sdm admin secretengines healthcheck: Checks the health of secret engines on all nodes
- sdm admin secretengines rotate: Rotates a secret engine’s credentials
- sdm admin secretengines update: Updates the secret engine
- sdm admin secretengines delete: Deletes a secret engine
sdm admin secretengines create
The sdm admin secretengines create
command is used to add a new secret engine to your organization. You can create an AD (active_directory
) secret engine or Key Value (key_value
) secret engine.
To create an AD secret engine, run the sdm admin secretengines create active_directory
command with all required options set, as in the following example.
sdm admin secretengines create active_directory
--binddn "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com"
--secret-store-id se-1234a12345bcd123
--name example-ad
To create a Key Value secret engine, run sdm admin secretengines create key_value
with all required options set, as in the following example.
sdm admin secretengines create key_value
--secret-store-id se-1234a12345bcd125
--name example-keyvalue
After secret engine creation, configure the node (gateway or relay) to be used to contact the secret store or Active Directory. To do this, run the following command to update the relevant node and set a tag in the form of eng__<SECRET_ENGINE_NAME>=true
sdm admin nodes update <NODE_ID> --tags eng__<SECRET_ENGINE_NAME>=true
sdm admin nodes update n-1b23000c4567a890 --tags eng__example-keyvalue=true
See the CLI Reference for a copy of the help text available for sdm admin secretengines create.
sdm admin secretengines list
Use the following command to list all existing secret engines in your organization.
sdm admin secretengines list
If any secret engines are already created, the returned output looks similar to the following.
ID Name Type Tags Secret Store Secret Store Root Path
eng-12a3456b78cd9e1f AD active_directory se-1234a12345bcd123 /secret/data/ad
eng-22a3456b78cd9e1h Key Value key_value se-1234a12345bcd125 /secret/data/keyvalue
See the CLI Reference for a copy of the help text available for sdm admin secretengines list.
sdm admin secretengines show
Use sdm admin secretengines show
to show details about a specific secret engine. You must specify the secret engine ID, as in the following example.
sdm admin secretengines show eng-12a3456b78cd9e1f
See the CLI Reference for a copy of the help text available for sdm admin secretengines show.
sdm admin secretengines list-available-stores
Use sdm admin secretengines list-available-stores
to list the secret stores that can be used with the secret engines in your organization.
$ sdm admin secretengines list-available-stores
ID Name Type Tags
se-0e111e2222db33fa secret-store-1 gcp
se-111c222222b33ad4 vault-example vaultToken
se-1ad22ac3333e4444 vault-example-2 vaultToken
See the CLI Reference for a copy of the help text available for sdm admin secretengines list-available-stores.
sdm admin secretengines healthcheck
Use sdm admin secretengines healthcheck <SECRET_ENGINE_ID>
to check the health of a secret engine on nodes.
$ sdm admin secretengines healthcheck eng-12abc45678d9f1g0
nodeID status
n-123123ab123123c1 OK
See the CLI Reference for a copy of the help text available for sdm admin secretengines healthcheck.
sdm admin secretengines rotate
Use sdm admin secretengines rotate <SECRET_ENGINE_ID>
to rotate a secret engine’s secrets.
sdm admin secretengines rotate eng-12abc45678d9f1g0
See the CLI Reference for a copy of the help text available for sdm admin secretengines rotate.
sdm admin secretengines update
Use sdm admin secretengines update
to make changes to a specific secret engine. You must specify the secret engine type (active_directory
or key_value
), and set the options that you wish you change, as in the following example.
sdm admin secretengines update active_directory --name New AD Name
See the CLI Reference for a copy of the help text available for sdm admin secretengines update.
sdm admin secretengines delete
Use sdm admin secretengines delete
to delete a secret engine. You must specify the secret engine ID, as in the following example.
sdm admin secretengines delete eng-12a3456b78cd9e1f
See the CLI Reference for a copy of the help text available for sdm admin secretengines delete.
Managed secrets CLI commands
You can work with managed secrets in the CLI with sdm admin managedsecrets and its subcommands:
- sdm admin managedsecrets create creates a new managed secret.
- sdm admin managedsecrets list lists all managed secrets in the secret engine.
- sdm admin managedsecrets show shows details of managed secrets without sensitive data.
- sdm admin managedsecrets rotate rotates a managed secret.
- sdm admin managedsecrets validate shows whether a managed secret is currently valid.
- sdm admin managedsecrets update updates a managed secret.
- sdm admin managedsecrets delete deletes a managed secret.
- sdm admin managedsecrets logs displays logs for managed secrets.
sdm admin managedsecrets create
Use sdm admin managedsecrets create
to add secrets for a user for a specific secret engine. When running this command, you must, at minimum, specify the secret engine name and the desired name for the secrets you’re adding.
For Key Value, run the following:
sdm admin managedsecrets create <SECRET_ENGINE_NAME> <MANAGED_SECRET_NAME>
sdm admin managedsecrets create key_value alice
For Active Directory, you also must set the user_dn
, which is the distinguished name of the account that is managed.
In the following example, secrets are created for user Bob for an AD secret engine.
$ sdm admin managedsecrets create example-ad Bob user_dn="cn=Bob Belcher,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
ID ms-1a234b5c67de8912
Secret Engine ID eng-12a3456b78cd9e1f
Name Bob
Last Rotated At NEVER
Next Rotation At NEVER
Policy password.excludeuppercase=false,password.length=0,password.numsymbols=0,password.numdigits=0.password.allowrepeat=false
See the CLI Reference for a copy of the help text available for sdm admin managedsecrets create.
sdm admin managedsecrets list
Use the following command to list all existing managed secrets in your organization. You must specify the name of the secret engine being used.
sdm admin managedsecrets list <SECRET_ENGINE_NAME>
If any managed secrets are already present, the returned output looks similar to the following.
ID Secret Engine ID Name Last Rotated At Next Rotation At Tags
ms-1111f22b33e4fb55 eng-1234aa5678e9faab example-ad NEVER NEVER employeeNumber=12345
See the CLI Reference for a copy of the help text available for sdm admin managedsecrets list.
sdm admin managedsecrets show
Use this command to get information about a specific managed secret and the associated secret engine. The returned details include the secret engine ID, when the secrets were last rotated (if ever), when their next rotation is scheduled to occur (if at all), information about the password complexity policy, and any tags associated with the secrets. When running this command, you must specify the name of the secret engine and the name of the managed secret.
sdm admin managedsecrets show <SECRET_ENGINE_NAME> <MANAGED_SECRET_NAME>
$ sdm admin managedsecrets show example-ad example-managed-secret
ID ms-1111f22b33e4fb55
Secret Engine ID eng-1234aa5678e9faab
Name example-managed-secret
Last Rotated At NEVER
Next Rotation At NEVER
Policy PasswordPolicy: Length: 0, Digits: 0, Symbols: 0, AllowRepeat: false, ExcludedCharacters: "", ExcludeUpperCase: false
Tags employeeNumber=12345
See the CLI Reference for a copy of the help text available for sdm admin managedsecrets show.
sdm admin managedsecrets rotate
Secrets created for AD (active_directory
) secret engines are able to be rotated with sdm admin managedsecrets rotate
. For example, to rotate user Bob’s password, run the following command with the name of the secret engine and the name of the managed secret:
$ sdm admin managedsecrets rotate example-ad Bob
Rotated managed secret: ms-1a234b5c67de8912
See the CLI Reference for a copy of the help text available for sdm admin managedsecrets rotate.
Managed secrets also may be validated in the Admin UI’s Secrets page.
sdm admin managedsecrets validate
Use sdm admin managedsecrets validate
to show whether a managed secret is currently valid. When running the command, specify the name of the secret engine and the name of the managed secret.
sdm admin managedsecrets validate <SECRET_ENGINE_NAME> <MANAGED_SECRET_NAME>
sdm admin managedsecrets validate example-ad Bob
See the CLI Reference for a copy of the help text available for sdm admin managedsecrets validate.
Managed secrets also may be validated in the Admin UI’s Secrets page.
sdm admin managedsecrets update
Use sdm admin managedsecrets update
to make changes to existing secrets for a specific secret engine. When running the command, specify the name of the secret engine, the name of the managed secret, and the new values of the options that you want to update.
sdm admin managedsecrets update <SECRET_ENGINE_NAME> <MANAGED_SECRET_NAME>
--name value
--password-length value
--password-num-digits value
--password-num-symbols value
--password-allow-repeat bool
--password-exclude-characters value
--password-exclude-uppercase bool
--delete-password-policy bool
--password value
--user-dn value
--ttl value
--after-read-ttl value
sdm admin managedsecrets update example-ad Bob
--name new-secrets-name
--password-length 50
--password-num-digits 50
--password-num-symbols 2
See the CLI Reference for a copy of the help text available for sdm admin managedsecrets update.
sdm admin managedsecrets delete
Use sdm admin managedsecrets delete
to delete secrets. When running the command, specify the name of the secret engine and the name of the managed secret.
sdm admin managedsecrets delete <SECRET_ENGINE_NAME> <MANAGED_SECRET_NAME>
sdm admin managedsecrets delete example-ad Bob
See the CLI Reference for a copy of the help text available for sdm admin managedsecrets delete.
sdm admin managedsecrets logs
Use sdm admin managedsecrets logs
to get information about managed secrets, including the date and time when the secrets were created, the ID of the secret engine they were created for, the account ID of the user using them, and the last action taken.
$ sdm admin managedsecrets logs
ID Created At Managed Secret ID Secret Engine ID Account ID Action Debug
77ac90f066fa7d79 2024-09-30 10:29:13.485862 +0000 UTC ms-1111f22b33e4fb55 eng-1234aa5678e9faab a-123a4567890af1c2 validate
See the CLI Reference for a copy of the help text available for sdm admin managedsecrets logs.
How to Schedule Automatic Password Rotation
For AD managed secrets, you may schedule automatic password rotation by setting a time-to-live (TTL) value for either the secret engine or the managed secret. The TTL is an amount of time in seconds, minutes, or hours (for example, 12h
, 30m
, 5s
, or 6h30m
) that determines the lifetime of the password.
A password is valid for the given amount of time set in the TTL, after which it is automatically rotated. If the TTL value is not set, the secret engine’s TTL value is used for rotation. If neither are set or they are set to 0s
(zero seconds), then there is no automatic password rotation, and rotation will need to be done manually using sdm admin managedsecrets rotate or on the Admin UI’s Secrets page.
In the following example, an AD secret engine is created with the TTL set to 12 hours:
sdm admin secretengines create active_directory
--binddn "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com"
--secret-store-id se-1234a12345bcd123
--name example-ad
In the following example, an AD managed secret is created and the TTL is set to 12 hours:
sdm admin managedsecrets create example-ad Bob
--user_dn="cn=Bob Belcher,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com"
How to Set Password Complexity Requirements
When a managed secret is created, you have the option to set password complexity requirements, such as the number of symbols required, for passwords that are generated, rotated, or updated, to suit the needs of your organization. The available options for passwords are:
: Password length (default: 0)--password-num-digits
: Number of digits to use when generating the password (default: 0)--password-num-symbols
: Number of symbols to use when generating the password (default: 0)--password-allow-repeat
: If set to true, allows for consecutive characters to repeat--password-exclude-characters
: Set of characters to exclude when generating password
Password complexity requirements may be set as options with the following CLI commands:
In the following example, the AD managed secret is updated to require generated passwords to be 24 digits long, have 2 symbols, exclude #
characters, and not repeat themselves or exclude uppercase letters.
sdm admin managedsecrets update example-ad Bob
Secrets Management in the Admin UI
After managed secrets are created in the CLI, they are shown in the Admin UI in Access > Secrets. On the Secrets page, you may view information for each managed secret, including the username, type (AD or Key Value), secret engine name, and tags. In addition, there is the option to rotate (if eligible), validate, and read (if eligible) each managed secret directly from that page of the Admin UI, instead of using the CLI.
If the managed secret is eligible for rotation, you may rotate it from the Admin UI by selecting the Rotate option within Actions. You may also validate a managed secret from the Admin UI by selecting the Validate option within Actions. You can read (that is, reveal) a stored secret if you are eligible to do so; if ineligible, there is no option to read it.
AD Secrets Management Setup
Your organization can use StrongDM to facilitate the rotation of secrets for Active Directory (AD) accounts managed within StrongDM. The AD connection is set up within the StrongDM CLI, and the process generally involves providing AD configuration information to connect to the on-premises AD and enabling secrets updates within AD. Connection to AD is orchestrated through StrongDM nodes. Once the connection is established, the secrets are rotated on AD. This section provides information about the requirements for AD Secrets Management and provides an example of how to use the CLI commands to manage AD secret engines and managed secrets.
For StrongDM, the following requirements must be met:
- You must be a StrongDM account administrator.
- At least one StrongDM gateway must have authorization for the necessary operations to succeed in both API operations and network traffic to the secret engine and/or vault.
For AD, the following requirements must be met:
- The user must have the privilege to change passwords for users in scope.
- Authorization details must be provided during configuration.
- Open port 636 for TLS encrypted connections.
- Open port 389 for unencrypted connections.
For HashiCorp Vault, the nodes (gateways or relays) that are going to access the secret store for storing managed secrets must have permissions to read/write/create/delete secrets with a path starting with the secret store root path.
CLI example for AD
The following example provides a general idea of how to use some of the sdm admin secretengines
and sdm admin managedsecrets
CLI commands to set up an AD secret engine to store secrets, entitle them to a user, have the user retrieve the secrets, and rotate the secrets in AD.
- Create the secret engine:
sdm admin secretengines create active_directory --binddn "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" --bindpass="Example" --secret-store-id se-1234a12345bcd123 --name AD --secret-store-root-path="/secret/data/ad"
- Configure the node (gateway or relay) to be used to contact Active Directory. Run the
sdm admin nodes update
command to update the relevant node with a tag in the form ofeng__<SECRET_ENGINE_NAME>=true
:sdm admin nodes update n-1b23000c4567a890 --tags eng__AD=true
- Define a managed secret that will manage the passwords for the user. After running the following command, information about the new secret is returned.
$ sdm admin managedsecrets create AD Bob user_dn='cn=Bob Belcher,ou=example,dc=example,dc=com' ID ms-1a234b5c67de8912 Secret Engine ID eng-12a3456b78cd9e1f Name Bob Last Rotated At NEVER Next Rotation At NEVER Policy password.excludeuppercase=false,password.length=0,password.numsymbols=0,password.numdigits=0.password.allowrepeat=false Tags
- Retrieve the password for the created user, which is shown in the Secret Value that is returned.
$ sdm admin managedsecrets show AD Bob ID ms-1a234b5c67de8912 Secret Engine ID eng-12a3456b78cd9e1f Name Bob Last Rotated At NEVER Next Rotation At NEVER Policy password.excludeuppercase=false,password.length=0,password.numsymbols=0,password.numdigits=0.password.allowrepeat=false last_rotated_at:2024-08-28T14:17.22.26234Z password:fdlsfjkdsjflksdjflskdjgdkl,user_dn:cn=Bob Belcher,ou=example,dc=example,dc=com] Tags
- Now that you’ve created secrets and verified that they can be retrieved, you have the option to rotate the user’s password:
$ sdm admin managedsecrets rotate AD Bob Rotated managed secret: ms-1a234b5c67de8912
- Retrieve the new password to confirm that the rotation was successful. Notice that the Secret Value is different and there is now a date and time for the last rotation.
$ sdm admin managedsecrets show AD Bob ID ms-1a234b5c67de8912 Secret Engine ID eng-12a3456b78cd9e1f Name Bob Last Rotated At 2024-08-28T14:17.30.00000Z Next Rotation At NEVER Policy password.excludeuppercase=false,password.length=0,password.numsymbols=0,password.numdigits=0.password.allowrepeat=false last_rotated_at:2024-08-28T14:17.30.00000Z password:abcabcabcabcabcabcabcabcab,user_dn:cn=Bob Belcher,ou=example,dc=example,dc=com] Tags
- Optionally log in to the Admin UI and go to Access > Secrets to view, rotate, and/or validate the managed secret.
Key Value Secrets Management Setup
Your organization can use the Key Value secret engine to manage access to secrets in a secret store without rotating them. This section provides an example of how to use the CLI commands to manage Key Value secret engines and managed secrets.
CLI example for Key Value
- Get the ID of an available secret store to be used for storing secrets:
$ sdm admin secretengines list-available-stores ID Name Type Tags se-0e599e2866db23fa example 1 gcp se-102c276965b83ad9 example 2 vaultToken se-3ad72ac6620e8038 example 3 vaultToken
- Create the secret engine:
sdm admin secretengines create key_value --name keyvalue-example --secret-store-id se-1ab23ac6620e8038 --secret-store-root-path="/secret/data/keyvalue"
- Configure the node (gateway or relay) to be used to contact the secret store. Run the
sdm admin nodes update
command to update the relevant node with a tag in the form ofeng__<SECRET_ENGINE_NAME>=true
:sdm admin nodes update n-1b23000c4567a890 --tags eng__keyvalue-example=true
- Define a managed secret that will manage the passwords for a user:
$ sdm admin managedsecrets create key_value alice username=alice password=pass1 ID ms-2de34ab567c8b910 Secret Engine ID eng-3b4b567891c23dd4 Name alice Last Rotated At <nil> Policy password.allowrepeat=false,password.excludeuppercase=false,password.length=0,password.numsymbols=0,password.numdigits=0 Tags
- Retrieve the password for the created user, which is shown in the Secret Value that is returned:
$ sdm admin managedsecrets show key_value alice ID ms-2de34ab567c8b910 Secret Engine ID eng-3b4b567891c23dd4 Name alice Last Rotated At <nil> Policy password.allowrepeat=false,password.excludeuppercase=false,password.length=0,password.numsymbols=0,password.numdigits=0 Secret Store Path Secret Value password=pass1,username=alice Tags
- Make changes to the managed secret:
$ sdm admin managedsecrets update key_value alice ID ms-2de34ab567c8b910 Secret Engine ID eng-3b4b567891c23dd4 Name alice Last Rotated At <nil> Policy password.numsymbols=0,password.numdigits=0,password.allowrepeat=false,password.excludeuppercase=false,password.length=0 Tags
- View details about the managed secret to confirm the changes were made:
$ sdm admin managedsecrets show key_value alice ID ms-2de34ab567c8b910 Secret Engine ID eng-3b4b567891c23dd4 Name alice Last Rotated At <nil> Policy password.length=0,password.numsymbols=0,password.numdigits=0,password.allowrepeat=false,password.excludeuppercase=false Secret Store Path Secret Value username=alice,,password=pass1 Tags
- List all managed secrets for the secret engine:
$ sdm admin managedsecrets list key_value ID Secret Engine ID Name Last Rotated At Tags ms-01b0524966c590c6 eng-3b4b567891c23dd4 alice <nil>
- Delete the managed secret:
$ sdm admin managedsecrets delete key_value alice Deleted managed secret: ms-2de34ab567c8b910
- Optionally log in to the Admin UI and go to Access > Secrets to view and validate managed secrets.
Entitlement of Secrets to Users and Groups and PBAC
Once managed secrets and secret engines are fully configured, you may create policies to entitle managed secrets to users and/or groups of users, as well as enforce fine-grained policy-based access control (PBAC) for the users who are entitled to access those managed secrets. Entitlement means using policies to allow specific users or groups of users to access and perform specific actions on managed secrets. Your policy statements can specify the users permitted to access specific secrets and what actions users are permitted to perform, such as reading, retrieving, rotating, or validating managed secrets. These policies can also include annotations (to require users to justify their actions, or receive an MFA challenge) and context-based conditions (such as access based on the user’s location) for enhanced control and flexibility.
The sections that follow describe how to structure policy statements to allow users and/or groups to access and perform actions on managed secrets. For all other information about policies, please see Policies.
Actions for Secrets Management
In a policy statement, StrongDM Secrets Management actions are set in the format StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"<ACTION>"
, where <ACTION>
is the name of the action (for example, StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"rotate"
The possible actions for managed secrets are:
The resource
in the policy statement also must be set as resource is StrongDM::ManagedSecret
In the Policy Editor, if you are typing into the editing area directly, enter the action(s) (and resource) in the following way.
permit (
action in [StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"retrieve"],
resource is StrongDM::ManagedSecret
If multiple actions on managed secrets are allowed, enter each action in the following way.
permit (
action in [StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"read", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"retrieve", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"rotate", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"validate"],
resource is StrongDM::ManagedSecret
Actions for managed secrets may be set in policy statements in combination with context and annotations. Examples are shown in the next section.
Example policy statements for entitlement and PBAC
This section provides some examples of policy statements that entitle managed secrets to users and groups, as well as enforce policy actions on managed secrets operations.
Allow users to conduct particular Secrets Management actions when the user’s employeeNumber matches the managed secret’s employeeNumber tag value:
permit (
action in [StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"validate", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"rotate"],
resource is StrongDM::ManagedSecret
) when {
principal.employeeNumber != "" &&
resource.tags["employeeNumber"] == principal.employeeNumber
Allow retrieval of managed secrets where the user’s employeeNumber matches the value of the managed secret’s employeeNumber tag:
permit (
action in [StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"retrieve"],
resource is StrongDM::ManagedSecret
) when {
principal.employeeNumber != "" &&
resource.tags["employeeNumber"] == principal.employeeNumber
Allow users with the “secrets-admin” role to perform public read/rotate/validate actions on managed secrets (note that the role value is the role ID rather than the role name in the example shown):
permit (
principal in StrongDM::Role::"r-5e367aa86759a7b8",
action in [StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"read", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"rotate", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"validate"],
resource is StrongDM::ManagedSecret
Allow users with the “production-access” role to perform retrieve/public read/rotate/validate actions on managed secrets tagged with env=production:
@justify("Please provide a reason to do this.")
permit (
principal in StrongDM::Role::"r-3618ea926759a881",
action in [StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"read", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"retrieve", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"rotate", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"validate"],
resource is StrongDM::ManagedSecret
) when {
resource.getTag("env") == "production"
Allow users with the “development-access” role to perform retrieve/public read/rotate/validate actions on managed secrets tagged with env=development:
@justify("Please provide a reason to do this.")
permit (
principal in StrongDM::Role::"r-496d29476759a8c6",
action in [StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"read", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"retrieve", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"rotate", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"validate"],
resource is StrongDM::ManagedSecret
) when {
resource.getTag("env") == "development"
Allow users with the “staging-access” role to perform retrieve/public read/rotate/validate actions on managed secrets tagged with env=development:
permit (
principal in StrongDM::Role::"r-2725a45a6759a8ed",
action in [StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"read", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"retrieve", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"rotate", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"validate"],
resource is StrongDM::ManagedSecret
) when {
resource.getTag("env") == "staging"
Allow retrieve/public read/rotate/validate actions on managed secrets tagged with “owner” equal to the principal’s email:
permit (
action in [StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"read", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"retrieve", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"rotate", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"validate"],
resource is StrongDM::ManagedSecret
) when {
resource.getTag("owner") ==
Allow admins to access managed secrets:
permit (
action in [StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"read", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"rotate", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"validate"],
resource is StrongDM::ManagedSecret
) when {
principal.permissionLevel == "admin"
Allow all Secrets Management actions on secrets tagged with foo=bar:
permit (
action in [StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"read", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"validate", StrongDM::Action::"rotate", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"retrieve"],
resource is StrongDM::ManagedSecret
) when {
resource.tags["foo"] == "bar"
Forbid access to managed secrets if there is an error:
@error("this is a test")
forbid (
action in [StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"read", StrongDM::ManagedSecret::Action::"retrieve"],
) when {""))
Logs for secrets retrieval and rotation are recorded in the following areas within StrongDM:
- Activity logs: Secret engine and managed secrets activities
- Secrets logs: All user activity related to rotation, validation, and retrieval operations
- Policy logs: Any activity that matches the defined policy
All admin actions to set up Secrets Management and rotation are recorded in logs, including when a secret engine or managed secret is created, updated, and deleted. Rotation and retrieval of managed secrets are logged when the expiration time of the managed secret is changed.
End User Interaction With Secrets
In the Admin UI in Access > Secrets, StrongDM users can view the list of managed secrets that they are eligible to view. In addition, users can see the actions (such as read, retrieve, rotate, and validate) they can perform on the managed secrets based on the access being provided by the admin.
If users are not entitled to view or take any action on managed secrets, the Secrets page is empty.
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