Generic SCIM Endpoint - Update Group

Last modified on March 24, 2023

The Update Group endpoint updates the requested role. Group patching is the most complex operation currently supported in the StrongDM SCIM API.




HTTP method


Path variables

<ID>RequiredRole IDReturns a 404 if the role ID is not foundr-00001

Request body attributes

OperationsArray of objects including subattributes op, path, and value; the value provided for op indicates what Patch operation will be performed; possible values for value are id (user ID) and displayName (the new role name)Returns a 400 if the displayName provided is empty; returns a 404 if user IDs are not found; ignores the request if a user ID to be removed from the role is not in the role, or if a user ID to be removed from the role does not match any users[{"op": "replace", "value": {"id": "r-274512e66171c631", "displayName": "newName"}}]
schemasSchema URI for representing groupsInclude the value as indicated in the example.["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"]

Potential Patch operations

  • Add members to the role:

    {"op": "add", "path": "members", "value": [{"value":"a-0001","display":"myUser@example.test"}]}

  • Update the role’s name:

    {"op": "replace", "value": {"displayName: "newName"}}

  • Replace the members assigned to the role by removing all existing members and setting it to a new set of members:

    {"op": "replace", "path": "members", "value": [{"value":"a-0001","display":"myUser@example.test"}]}

  • Remove role members by ID:

    {"op": "remove", "path": "members[value eq "a-0001"]}

Response Codes

204The result of all Patch operations does not change the role.
400The request body does not match one of the example formats (in some cases, additional fields to those detailed may be allowed, but they are ignored). A 400 can also mean a filter other than members[value eq "userID"] was provided to be removed from the role.

Example Requests and Responses

Example request and response to set a name

PATCH /provisioning/generic/v2/Groups/r-274512e66171c631

  "schemas": [
  "Operations": [
      "op": "replace",
      "value": {
        "id": "r-274512e66171c631",
        "displayName": "newName"


  "displayName": "newName",
  "id": "r-274512e66171c631",
  "members": [],
  "meta": {
    "resourceType": "Group",
    "location": "Groups/r-274512e66171c631"
  "schemas": [

Example request and response to set a member

PATCH /provisioning/generic/v2/Groups/r-3b084f5b6171c6ce

  "schemas": [
  "Operations": [
      "op": "replace",
      "path": "members",
      "value": [
          "value": "a-1717153b6171c6ce",
          "display": "myUser@example.test"


  "displayName": "RoleName",
  "id": "r-3b084f5b6171c6ce",
  "members": [
      "display": "userEmail@example.test",
      "value": "a-1717153b6171c6ce"
  "meta": {
    "resourceType": "Group",
    "location": "Groups/r-3b084f5b6171c6ce"
  "schemas": [

Example request to remove a member

PATCH /provisioning/generic/v2/Groups/r-2792813a6171c916

  "schemas": [
  "Operations": [
      "op": "remove",
      "path": "members[value eq \"a-4fa1a3466171c916\"]"


  "displayName": "RoleName",
  "id": "r-2792813a6171c916",
  "members": [],
  "meta": {
    "resourceType": "Group",
    "location": "Groups/r-2792813a6171c916"
  "schemas": [