sdm admin clusters add
Last modified on October 23, 2024
sdm admin clusters add - add one or more clusters
sdm admin clusters add command [command options] [arguments...]
aks create AKS cluster
aks-service, aksservice create AKS (Service Account) cluster
aks-service-ui, aksserviceui create AKS (Service Account - User Impersonation) cluster
aks-ui create AKS (User Impersonation) cluster
amazon-eks, amazoneks, eks create Elastic Kubernetes Service cluster
amazon-eks-instance-profile, amazoneksinstanceprofile, eks-instance-profile create Elastic Kubernetes Service (instance profile) cluster
amazon-eks-instance-profile-ui, amazoneksinstanceprofileui, eks-instance-profile-ui create Elastic Kubernetes Service (instance profile - User Impersonation) cluster
amazon-eks-ui, amazoneksui, eksui create Elastic Kubernetes Service (User Impersonation) cluster
gke create Google Kubernetes Engine cluster
gke-ui create Google Kubernetes Engine (User Impersonation) cluster
k8s, kubernetes create Kubernetes cluster
k8s-service, k8sservice create Kubernetes (Service Account) cluster
k8s-service-ui, k8sserviceui create Kubernetes (Service Account - User Impersonation) cluster
k8s-ui, kubernetesui create Kubernetes (User Impersonation) cluster
--file value, -f value load from a JSON file
--stdin, -i load from stdin
--timeout value set time limit for command
--help, -h show help
sdm admin clusters add aks - create AKS cluster
sdm admin clusters add aks [command options] <name>
--bind-interface value bind interface (default: "")
--certificate-authority value (secret)
--client-certificate value (secret)
--client-key value (secret)
--egress-filter value apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
--healthcheck-namespace default This path will be used to check the health of your connection. Defaults to default.
--hostname value (required)
--identity-alias-healthcheck-username value (conditional)
--identity-set-id value
--identity-set-name value set the identity set by name
--port value (required) (default: 443)
--port-override value port profile override (default: -1)
--secret-store-id value secret store id
--subdomain value This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
--tags value tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
--template, -t display a JSON template
--timeout value set time limit for command
sdm admin clusters add aks-service - create AKS (Service Account) cluster
sdm admin clusters add aks-service [command options] <name>
--api-token value (required, secret)
--bind-interface value bind interface (default: "")
--egress-filter value apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
--healthcheck-namespace default This path will be used to check the health of your connection. Defaults to default.
--hostname value (required)
--identity-alias-healthcheck-username value (conditional)
--identity-set-id value
--identity-set-name value set the identity set by name
--port value (required) (default: 443)
--port-override value port profile override (default: -1)
--secret-store-id value secret store id
--subdomain value This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
--tags value tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
--template, -t display a JSON template
--timeout value set time limit for command
sdm admin clusters add aks-service-ui - create AKS (Service Account - User Impersonation) cluster
sdm admin clusters add aks-service-ui [command options] <name>
--api-token value (required, secret)
--bind-interface value bind interface (default: "")
--egress-filter value apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
--healthcheck-namespace default This path will be used to check the health of your connection. Defaults to default.
--hostname value (required)
--port value (required) (default: 443)
--port-override value port profile override (default: -1)
--secret-store-id value secret store id
--subdomain value This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
--tags value tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
--template, -t display a JSON template
--timeout value set time limit for command
sdm admin clusters add aks-ui - create AKS (User Impersonation) cluster
sdm admin clusters add aks-ui [command options] <name>
--bind-interface value bind interface (default: "")
--certificate-authority value (secret)
--client-certificate value (secret)
--client-key value (secret)
--egress-filter value apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
--healthcheck-namespace default This path will be used to check the health of your connection. Defaults to default.
--hostname value (required)
--port value (required) (default: 443)
--port-override value port profile override (default: -1)
--secret-store-id value secret store id
--subdomain value This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
--tags value tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
--template, -t display a JSON template
--timeout value set time limit for command
sdm admin clusters add amazon-eks - create Elastic Kubernetes Service cluster
sdm admin clusters add amazon-eks [command options] <name>
--access-key-id value (required, secret)
--bind-interface value bind interface (default: "")
--certificate-authority value (secret)
--cluster-name value (required)
--egress-filter value apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
--endpoint value (required)
--healthcheck-namespace default This path will be used to check the health of your connection. Defaults to default.
--identity-alias-healthcheck-username value (conditional)
--identity-set-id value
--identity-set-name value set the identity set by name
--port-override value port profile override (default: -1)
--region value (required)
--role-arn value (secret)
--role-external-id value (secret)
--secret-access-key value (required, secret)
--secret-store-id value secret store id
--subdomain value This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
--tags value tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
--template, -t display a JSON template
--timeout value set time limit for command
sdm admin clusters add amazon-eks-instance-profile - create Elastic Kubernetes Service (instance profile) cluster
sdm admin clusters add amazon-eks-instance-profile [command options] <name>
--bind-interface value bind interface (default: "")
--certificate-authority value (secret)
--cluster-name value (required)
--egress-filter value apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
--endpoint value (required)
--healthcheck-namespace default This path will be used to check the health of your connection. Defaults to default.
--identity-alias-healthcheck-username value (conditional)
--identity-set-id value
--identity-set-name value set the identity set by name
--port-override value port profile override (default: -1)
--region value (required)
--role-arn value (secret)
--role-external-id value (secret)
--secret-store-id value secret store id
--subdomain value This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
--tags value tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
--template, -t display a JSON template
--timeout value set time limit for command
sdm admin clusters add amazon-eks-instance-profile-ui - create Elastic Kubernetes Service (instance profile - User Impersonation) cluster
sdm admin clusters add amazon-eks-instance-profile-ui [command options] <name>
--bind-interface value bind interface (default: "")
--certificate-authority value (secret)
--cluster-name value (required)
--egress-filter value apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
--endpoint value (required)
--healthcheck-namespace default This path will be used to check the health of your connection. Defaults to default.
--port-override value port profile override (default: -1)
--region value (required)
--role-arn value (secret)
--role-external-id value (secret)
--secret-store-id value secret store id
--subdomain value This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
--tags value tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
--template, -t display a JSON template
--timeout value set time limit for command
sdm admin clusters add amazon-eks-ui - create Elastic Kubernetes Service (User Impersonation) cluster
sdm admin clusters add amazon-eks-ui [command options] <name>
--access-key-id value (required, secret)
--bind-interface value bind interface (default: "")
--certificate-authority value (secret)
--cluster-name value (required)
--egress-filter value apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
--endpoint value (required)
--healthcheck-namespace default This path will be used to check the health of your connection. Defaults to default.
--port-override value port profile override (default: -1)
--region value (required)
--role-arn value (secret)
--role-external-id value (secret)
--secret-access-key value (required, secret)
--secret-store-id value secret store id
--subdomain value This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
--tags value tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
--template, -t display a JSON template
--timeout value set time limit for command
sdm admin clusters add gke - create Google Kubernetes Engine cluster
sdm admin clusters add gke [command options] <name>
--bind-interface value bind interface (default: "")
--certificate-authority value (secret)
--egress-filter value apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
--endpoint value (required)
--healthcheck-namespace default This path will be used to check the health of your connection. Defaults to default.
--identity-alias-healthcheck-username value (conditional)
--identity-set-id value
--identity-set-name value set the identity set by name
--port-override value port profile override (default: -1)
--secret-store-id value secret store id
--service-account-key value (required, secret)
--subdomain value This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
--tags value tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
--template, -t display a JSON template
--timeout value set time limit for command
sdm admin clusters add gke-ui - create Google Kubernetes Engine (User Impersonation) cluster
sdm admin clusters add gke-ui [command options] <name>
--bind-interface value bind interface (default: "")
--certificate-authority value (secret)
--egress-filter value apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
--endpoint value (required)
--healthcheck-namespace default This path will be used to check the health of your connection. Defaults to default.
--port-override value port profile override (default: -1)
--secret-store-id value secret store id
--service-account-key value (required, secret)
--subdomain value This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
--tags value tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
--template, -t display a JSON template
--timeout value set time limit for command
sdm admin clusters add k8s - create Kubernetes cluster
sdm admin clusters add k8s [command options] <name>
--bind-interface value bind interface (default: "")
--certificate-authority value (secret)
--client-certificate value (secret)
--client-key value (secret)
--egress-filter value apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
--healthcheck-namespace default This path will be used to check the health of your connection. Defaults to default.
--hostname value (required)
--identity-alias-healthcheck-username value (conditional)
--identity-set-id value
--identity-set-name value set the identity set by name
--port value (required) (default: 443)
--port-override value port profile override (default: -1)
--secret-store-id value secret store id
--subdomain value This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
--tags value tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
--template, -t display a JSON template
--timeout value set time limit for command
sdm admin clusters add k8s-service - create Kubernetes (Service Account) cluster
sdm admin clusters add k8s-service [command options] <name>
--api-token value (required, secret)
--bind-interface value bind interface (default: "")
--egress-filter value apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
--healthcheck-namespace default This path will be used to check the health of your connection. Defaults to default.
--hostname value (required)
--identity-alias-healthcheck-username value (conditional)
--identity-set-id value
--identity-set-name value set the identity set by name
--port value (required) (default: 443)
--port-override value port profile override (default: -1)
--secret-store-id value secret store id
--subdomain value This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
--tags value tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
--template, -t display a JSON template
--timeout value set time limit for command
sdm admin clusters add k8s-service-ui - create Kubernetes (Service Account - User Impersonation) cluster
sdm admin clusters add k8s-service-ui [command options] <name>
--api-token value (required, secret)
--bind-interface value bind interface (default: "")
--egress-filter value apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
--healthcheck-namespace default This path will be used to check the health of your connection. Defaults to default.
--hostname value (required)
--port value (required) (default: 443)
--port-override value port profile override (default: -1)
--secret-store-id value secret store id
--subdomain value This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
--tags value tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
--template, -t display a JSON template
--timeout value set time limit for command
sdm admin clusters add k8s-ui - create Kubernetes (User Impersonation) cluster
sdm admin clusters add k8s-ui [command options] <name>
--bind-interface value bind interface (default: "")
--certificate-authority value (secret)
--client-certificate value (secret)
--client-key value (secret)
--egress-filter value apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
--healthcheck-namespace default This path will be used to check the health of your connection. Defaults to default.
--hostname value (required)
--port value (required) (default: 443)
--port-override value port profile override (default: -1)
--secret-store-id value secret store id
--subdomain value This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
--tags value tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
--template, -t display a JSON template
--timeout value set time limit for command