sdm admin datasources update

Last modified on January 22, 2025

   sdm admin datasources update - update one or more resources

   sdm admin datasources update command [command options] [arguments...]

   amazones                      update Amazon ES datasource
   amazonmq-amqp-091             update Amazon MQ (AMQP 0.9.1) datasource
   athena                        update Athena datasource
   aurora-mysql                  update Aurora MySQL datasource
   aurora-postgres               update Aurora PostgreSQL datasource
   aurorapostgresiam             update Aurora PostgreSQL (IAM) datasource
   azuremysql                    update Azure Database for MySQL datasource
   azurepostgres                 update Azure Database for PostgreSQL datasource
   azurepostgresmanagedidentity  update Azure PostgreSQL (Managed Identity) datasource
   bigquery                      update BigQuery datasource
   cassandra                     update Cassandra datasource
   citus                         update Citus datasource
   clickhouseHTTP                update ClickHouse (HTTP) datasource
   clickhouseTCP                 update ClickHouse (TCP) datasource
   clickhousemysql               update ClickHouse (MySQL) datasource
   clustrix                      update Clustrix datasource
   cockroach                     update CockroachDB datasource
   couchbaseDatabase             update Couchbase datasource
   db2i                          update Db2i datasource
   db2luw                        update Db2 LUW datasource
   documentdbhost                update DocumentDB (single host) datasource
   documentdbhostiam             update DocumentDB (single host IAM) datasource
   documentdbreplicaset          update DocumentDB (replica set) datasource
   druid                         update Druid datasource
   dynamo                        update DynamoDB datasource
   ecredis                       update ElastiCache Redis datasource
   elastic                       update Elasticsearch datasource
   greenplum                     update Greenplum datasource
   mTLSPostgres                  update PostgreSQL (mTLS) datasource
   maria                         update Maria datasource
   memcached                     update Memcached datasource
   memsql                        update MemSQL datasource
   mongoHost                     update MongoDB (single host mode) datasource
   mongoReplicaSet               update MongoDB (replica set mode) datasource
   mongoshardedcluster           update MongoDB (sharded cluster) datasource
   mssql                         update Microsoft SQL Server datasource
   mssqlAzureAD                  update Microsoft SQL Server (Azure AD) datasource
   mssqlKerberos                 update Microsoft SQL Server (Kerberos) datasource
   mysql                         update MySQL datasource
   neptune                       update Neptune datasource
   neptuneiam                    update Neptune (IAM) datasource
   oracle                        update Oracle datasource
   postgres                      update PostgreSQL datasource
   presto                        update Presto datasource
   rabbitmq-amqp-091             update RabbitMQ (AMQP 0.9.1) datasource
   rdspostgresiam                update RDS PostgreSQL (IAM) datasource
   redis                         update Redis datasource
   redshift                      update Redshift datasource
   singlestore                   update SingleStore datasource
   snowflake                     update Snowflake datasource
   sybase                        update Sybase ASE datasource
   sybase-iq, sybaseiq           update Sybase IQ datasource
   teradata                      update Teradata datasource

   --file value, -f value  load from a JSON file
   --stdin, -i             load from stdin
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --help, -h              show help

For more information on the use of filters in the CLI, see the Filters documentation.


   sdm admin datasources update amazones - update Amazon ES datasource

   sdm admin datasources update amazones [command options] [arguments...]

   --access-key-id value      (secret)
   --bind-interface value     bind interface (default: "")
   --delete-tags value        delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value      apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --endpoint value           
   --filter value             filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value        path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help             show valid filter strings and examples
   --id value                 datasource id
   --name value               datasource name
   --port-override value      port profile override (default: -1)
   --region value             
   --role-arn value           The role to assume after logging in. (secret)
   --role-external-id value   (secret)
   --secret-access-key value  (secret)
   --subdomain value          This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value               tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value            set time limit for command


   sdm admin datasources update athena - update Athena datasource

   sdm admin datasources update athena [command options] [arguments...]

   --aws-access-key-id value      (secret)
   --aws-secret-access-key value  (secret)
   --bind-interface value         bind interface (default: "")
   --delete-tags value            delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value          apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value                 filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value            path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help                 show valid filter strings and examples
   --id value                     datasource id
   --name value                   datasource name
   --port-override value          port profile override (default: -1)
   --region value                 
   --role-arn value               The role to assume after logging in. (secret)
   --role-external-id value       (secret)
   --s3-output-location value     
   --subdomain value              This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value                   tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value                set time limit for command


   sdm admin datasources update aurora-mysql - update Aurora MySQL datasource

   sdm admin datasources update aurora-mysql [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value               bind interface (default: "")
   --database value                     This database is exclusively used for healthchecks; the database sent by clients is respected otherwise.
   --delete-tags value                  delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value                apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value                       filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value                  path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help                       show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value                     
   --id value                           datasource id
   --name value                         datasource name
   --password value                     (secret)
   --port value                         (default: 0)
   --port-override value                port profile override (default: -1)
   --require-native-auth                Whether native auth (mysql_native_password) is used for all connections (for backwards compatibility)
   --subdomain value                    This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value                         tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value                      set time limit for command
   --use-azure-single-server-usernames  If true, appends the hostname to the username when hitting a address
   --username value                     (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update aurora-postgres - update Aurora PostgreSQL datasource

   sdm admin datasources update aurora-postgres [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --database value        
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value        
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --override-database     Limit all connections to the configured database
   --password value        (secret)
   --port value            (default: 0)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --username value        (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update bigquery - update BigQuery datasource

   sdm admin datasources update bigquery [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --endpoint value        
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --private-key value     The file path of the private key used to authenticate with the server. (secret)
   --project value         
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --username value        


   sdm admin datasources update cassandra - update Cassandra datasource

   sdm admin datasources update cassandra [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value        
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --password value        (secret)
   --port value            (default: 0)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --tls-required          Use TLS to connect to the Cassandra sever
   --username value        (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update citus - update Citus datasource

   sdm admin datasources update citus [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --database value        
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value        
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --override-database     Limit all connections to the configured database
   --password value        (secret)
   --port value            (default: 0)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --username value        (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update clickhouseHTTP - update ClickHouse (HTTP) datasource

   sdm admin datasources update clickhouseHTTP [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value    bind interface (default: "")
   --database value          
   --delete-tags value       delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value     apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value            filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value       path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help            show valid filter strings and examples
   --id value                datasource id
   --name value              datasource name
   --password value          (secret)
   --port-override value     port profile override (default: -1)
   --proxy-cluster-id value  proxy cluster id
   --secret-store-id value   secret store id
   --subdomain value         This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value              tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value           set time limit for command
   --url value               The base address of database without the path.
   --username value          (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update clickhousemysql - update ClickHouse (MySQL) datasource

   sdm admin datasources update clickhousemysql [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value    bind interface (default: "")
   --database value          This database is exclusively used for healthchecks; the database sent by clients is respected otherwise.
   --delete-tags value       delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value     apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value            filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value       path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help            show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value          
   --id value                datasource id
   --name value              datasource name
   --password value          (secret)
   --port value              (default: 0)
   --port-override value     port profile override (default: -1)
   --proxy-cluster-id value  proxy cluster id
   --require-native-auth     Whether native auth (mysql_native_password) is used for all connections (for backwards compatibility)
   --secret-store-id value   secret store id
   --subdomain value         This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value              tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value           set time limit for command
   --username value          (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update clickhouseTCP - update ClickHouse (TCP) datasource

   sdm admin datasources update clickhouseTCP [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value    bind interface (default: "")
   --database value          
   --delete-tags value       delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value     apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value            filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value       path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help            show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value          
   --id value                datasource id
   --name value              datasource name
   --password value          (secret)
   --port value              (default: 0)
   --port-override value     port profile override (default: -1)
   --proxy-cluster-id value  proxy cluster id
   --secret-store-id value   secret store id
   --subdomain value         This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value              tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value           set time limit for command
   --tls-required            sdm must use TLS to connect
   --username value          (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update clustrix - update Clustrix datasource

   sdm admin datasources update clustrix [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value               bind interface (default: "")
   --database value                     This database is exclusively used for healthchecks; the database sent by clients is respected otherwise.
   --delete-tags value                  delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value                apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value                       filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value                  path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help                       show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value                     
   --id value                           datasource id
   --name value                         datasource name
   --password value                     (secret)
   --port value                         (default: 0)
   --port-override value                port profile override (default: -1)
   --require-native-auth                Whether native auth (mysql_native_password) is used for all connections (for backwards compatibility)
   --subdomain value                    This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value                         tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value                      set time limit for command
   --use-azure-single-server-usernames  If true, appends the hostname to the username when hitting a address
   --username value                     (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update cockroach - update CockroachDB datasource

   sdm admin datasources update cockroach [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --database value        
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value        
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --override-database     Limit all connections to the configured database
   --password value        (secret)
   --port value            (default: 0)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --username value        (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update couchbaseDatabase - update Couchbase datasource

   sdm admin datasources update couchbaseDatabase [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value   bind interface (default: "")
   --delete-tags value      delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value    apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value           filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value      path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help           show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value         
   --id value               datasource id
   --n1ql-port value        The port number for N1QL queries. Default HTTP is 8093. Default HTTPS is 18093. (default: 0)
   --name value             datasource name
   --password value         (secret)
   --port value             (default: 0)
   --port-override value    port profile override (default: -1)
   --secret-store-id value  secret store id
   --subdomain value        This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value             tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value          set time limit for command
   --tls-required           Use TLS to connect to the HTTP services
   --username value         (secret)


   sdm admin datasources clone documentdbreplicaset - clone DocumentDB (replica set) datasource

   sdm admin datasources clone documentdbreplicaset [command options] <ID>

   --auth-database value
   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --connect-to-replica    Connect to a replica instead of the primary node.
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --hostname value        Hostnames and ports of all instances in the replica set separated by commas
   --name value            datasource name
   --password value        (secret)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --replica-set value     The name of the mongo replicaset
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --username value        (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update documentdbhostiam - update DocumentDB (single host IAM) datasource

   sdm admin datasources update documentdbhostiam [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --port value            (default: 0)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --region value          The AWS region to connect to.
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command


   sdm admin datasources clone documentdbhost - clone DocumentDB (single host) datasource

   sdm admin datasources clone documentdbhost [command options] <ID>

   --auth-database value
   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --hostname value
   --name value            datasource name
   --password value        (secret)
   --port value            (default: 0)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --username value        (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update druid - update Druid datasource

   sdm admin datasources update druid [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value        
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --password value        (secret)
   --port value            (default: 0)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --username value        (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update dynamo - update DynamoDB datasource

   sdm admin datasources update dynamo [command options] [arguments...]

   --access-key-id value      (secret)
   --bind-interface value     bind interface (default: "")
   --delete-tags value        delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value      apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --endpoint value           Do not include the protocol or port.
   --filter value             filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value        path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help             show valid filter strings and examples
   --id value                 datasource id
   --name value               datasource name
   --port-override value      port profile override (default: -1)
   --region value             
   --role-arn value           The role to assume after logging in. (secret)
   --role-external-id value   (secret)
   --secret-access-key value  (secret)
   --subdomain value          This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value               tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value            set time limit for command


   sdm admin datasources update dynamoiam - update DynamoDB datasource

   sdm admin datasources update dynamoiam [command options] <name>

   --bind-interface value    bind interface (default: "")
   --egress-filter value     apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --endpoint value          Do not include the protocol or port. (required)
   --port-override value     port profile override (default: -1)
   --region value            (required)
   --role-arn value          The role to assume after logging in. (secret)
   --role-external-id value  (secret)
   --secret-store-id value   secret store id
   --subdomain value         This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value              tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --template, -t            display a JSON template
   --timeout value           set time limit for command


   sdm admin datasources update ecredis - update ElastiCache Redis datasource

   sdm admin datasources update ecredis [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value        
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --password value        (secret)
   --port value            (default: 0)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --tls-required          sdm must use TLS to connect
   --username value        (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update elastic - update Elasticsearch datasource

   sdm admin datasources update elastic [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value        
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --password value        (secret)
   --port value            (default: 0)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --tls-required          sdm must use TLS to connect
   --username value        (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update greenplum - update Greenplum datasource

   sdm admin datasources update greenplum [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --database value        
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value        
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --override-database     Limit all connections to the configured database
   --password value        (secret)
   --port value            (default: 0)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --username value        (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update maria - update Maria datasource

   sdm admin datasources update maria [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value               bind interface (default: "")
   --database value                     This database is exclusively used for healthchecks; the database sent by clients is respected otherwise.
   --delete-tags value                  delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value                apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value                       filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value                  path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help                       show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value                     
   --id value                           datasource id
   --name value                         datasource name
   --password value                     (secret)
   --port value                         (default: 0)
   --port-override value                port profile override (default: -1)
   --require-native-auth                Whether native auth (mysql_native_password) is used for all connections (for backwards compatibility)
   --subdomain value                    This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value                         tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value                      set time limit for command
   --use-azure-single-server-usernames  If true, appends the hostname to the username when hitting a address
   --username value                     (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update memcached - update Memcached datasource

   sdm admin datasources update memcached [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value        
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --port value            (default: 0)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command


   sdm admin datasources update memsql - update MemSQL datasource

   sdm admin datasources update memsql [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value               bind interface (default: "")
   --database value                     This database is exclusively used for healthchecks; the database sent by clients is respected otherwise.
   --delete-tags value                  delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value                apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value                       filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value                  path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help                       show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value                     
   --id value                           datasource id
   --name value                         datasource name
   --password value                     (secret)
   --port value                         (default: 0)
   --port-override value                port profile override (default: -1)
   --require-native-auth                Whether native auth (mysql_native_password) is used for all connections (for backwards compatibility)
   --subdomain value                    This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value                         tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value                      set time limit for command
   --use-azure-single-server-usernames  If true, appends the hostname to the username when hitting a address
   --username value                     (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update mongo - update MongoDB (single host) datasource

   sdm admin datasources update mongo [command options] [arguments...]

   --auth-database value   
   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value        
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --password value        (secret)
   --port value            (default: 0)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --tls-required          sdm must use TLS to connect
   --username value        (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update mongo-replicaset - update MongoDB (replica set) datasource

   sdm admin datasources update mongo-replicaset [command options] [arguments...]

   --auth-database value   
   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --connect-to-replica    Connect to a replica instead of the primary node.
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value        
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --password value        (secret)
   --port value            (default: 0)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --replica-set value     The name of the mongo replicaset
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --tls-required          sdm must use TLS to connect
   --username value        (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update mssql - update Microsoft SQL Server datasource

   sdm admin datasources update mssql [command options] [arguments...]

   --allow-deprecated-encryption value  Whether to allow deprecated encryption protocols to be used for this resource. For example, TLS 1.0
   --bind-interface value               bind interface (default: "")
   --database value                     This database is used for healthchecks and overrides client databases if Override Default Database is configured.
   --delete-tags value                  delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value                apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value                       filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value                  path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help                       show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value                     
   --id value                           datasource id
   --name value                         datasource name
   --override-database                  Clients connect to the configured database by default.
   --password value                     (secret)
   --port value                         (default: 0)
   --port-override value                port profile override (default: -1)
   --schema value                       
   --subdomain value                    This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value                         tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value                      set time limit for command
   --username value                     (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update mysql - update MySQL datasource

   sdm admin datasources update mysql [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value               bind interface (default: "")
   --database value                     This database is exclusively used for healthchecks; the database sent by clients is respected otherwise.
   --delete-tags value                  delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value                apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value                       filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value                  path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help                       show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value                     
   --id value                           datasource id
   --name value                         datasource name
   --password value                     (secret)
   --port value                         (default: 0)
   --port-override value                port profile override (default: -1)
   --require-native-auth                Whether native auth (mysql_native_password) is used for all connections (for backwards compatibility)
   --subdomain value                    This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value                         tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value                      set time limit for command
   --use-azure-single-server-usernames  If true, appends the hostname to the username when hitting a address
   --username value                     (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update postgres - update PostgreSQL datasource

   sdm admin datasources update postgres [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --database value        
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value        
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --override-database     Limit all connections to the configured database
   --password value        (secret)
   --port value            (default: 0)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --username value        (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update presto - update Presto datasource

   sdm admin datasources update presto [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --database value        
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value        
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --password value        (secret)
   --port value            (default: 0)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --tls-required          sdm must use TLS to connect


   sdm admin datasources update redis - update Redis datasource

   sdm admin datasources update redis [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value        
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --password value        (secret)
   --port value            (default: 0)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --tls-required          sdm must use TLS to connect
   --username value        (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update redshift - update Redshift datasource

   sdm admin datasources update redshift [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --database value        
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value        
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --override-database     Limit all connections to the configured database
   --password value        (secret)
   --port value            (default: 0)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --username value        (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update snowflake - update Snowflake datasource

   sdm admin datasources update snowflake [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --database value        
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value        Do not include the protocol or port.
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --password value        (secret)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --schema value          
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --username value        (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update sybase - update Sybase ASE datasource

   sdm admin datasources update sybase [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value        
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --password value        (secret)
   --port value            (default: 0)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --username value        (secret)


   sdm admin datasources update sybase-iq - update Sybase IQ datasource

   sdm admin datasources update sybase-iq [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value  bind interface (default: "")
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value   apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --hostname value        
   --id value              datasource id
   --name value            datasource name
   --password value        (secret)
   --port value            (default: 0)
   --port-override value   port profile override (default: -1)
   --subdomain value       This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --username value        (secret)