
Last modified on November 12, 2024

   sdm admin managedsecrets update - update managed secret

   sdm admin managedsecrets update [command options] <secret engine name> <managed secret name>

   --name value                         new managed secret name
   --password-length value              Password length (default: 0)
   --password-num-digits value          Numbers of digits to use when generating password (default: 0)
   --password-num-symbols value         Number of symbos to use when generating password (default: 0)
   --password-allow-repeat              If set to true allows for consecutive characters to repeat itself
   --password-exclude-characters value  Set of characters to exclude when generating password
   --password-exclude-uppercase         If set to true do not include upper case letters when generating password
   --delete-password-policy             If set to true disables managed secret's password policy. Secret's engine policy or default one will be used instead.
   --password value                     password for service account (supported by Active Directory)
   --user-dn value                      distinguished Name of account that is managed (supported by Active Directory)
   --ttl value                          duration when the password is valid (supported by Active Directory)
   --after-read-ttl value               duration after read before the password get's rotated (supported by Active Directory)
   --value-file value                   Read value from JSON file. "-" is stdin
   --json, -j                           output as json
   --timeout value                      set time limit for command
   --retries value                      set number of retries (default: 3)
   --tags value                         tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --delete-tags value                  delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'