sdm admin websites update

Last modified on November 27, 2023

   sdm admin websites update - update one or more websites

   sdm admin websites update command [command options] [arguments...]

   http, httpNoAuth, http-no-auth    update HTTP website
   http-basic, httpBasic, basicauth  update HTTP Basic Auth website
   http-header-auth, headerauth      update HTTP Custom Auth website

   --file value, -f value  load from a JSON file
   --stdin, -i             load from stdin
   --filter value          filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filters-help          show valid filter strings and examples
   --filter-json value     path to JSON based filter
   --tags value            tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --delete-tags value     delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --timeout value         set time limit for command
   --help, -h              show help


   sdm admin websites update http - update HTTP website

   sdm admin websites update http [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value     bind interface (default: "")
   --default-path value       Automatically redirect to this path upon connecting.
   --delete-tags value        delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value      apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value             filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value        path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help             show valid filter strings and examples
   --headers-exclusion value  Enter the header name (e.g. Authorization), and its contents will be omitted from logs.
   --health-path value        This path will be used to check the health of your site.
   --host-override value      The host header will be overwritten with this field.
   --http-subdomain value     This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into http://app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --id value                 datasource id
   --name value               datasource name
   --port-override value      port profile override (default: -1)
   --tags value               tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value            set time limit for command
   --url value                The base address of your website without the path.


   sdm admin websites update http-basic - update HTTP Basic Auth website

   sdm admin websites update http-basic [command options] [arguments...]

   --bind-interface value     bind interface (default: "")
   --default-path value       Automatically redirect to this path upon connecting.
   --delete-tags value        delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value      apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value             filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value        path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help             show valid filter strings and examples
   --headers-exclusion value  Enter the header name (e.g. Authorization), and its contents will be omitted from logs.
   --health-path value        This path will be used to check the health of your site.
   --host-override value      The host header will be overwritten with this field.
   --http-subdomain value     This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into http://app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --id value                 datasource id
   --name value               datasource name
   --password value           (secret)
   --port-override value      port profile override (default: -1)
   --tags value               tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value            set time limit for command
   --url value                The base address of your website without the path.
   --username value           (secret)


   sdm admin websites update http-header-auth - update HTTP Custom Auth website

   sdm admin websites update http-header-auth [command options] [arguments...]

   --auth-header value        (secret)
   --bind-interface value     bind interface (default: "")
   --default-path value       Automatically redirect to this path upon connecting.
   --delete-tags value        delete-tags e.g. 'key,...'
   --egress-filter value      apply filter to select egress nodes e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter value             filter e.g. 'field:name tag:key=value ...'
   --filter-json value        path to JSON based filter
   --filters-help             show valid filter strings and examples
   --headers-exclusion value  Enter the header name (e.g. Authorization), and its contents will be omitted from logs.
   --health-path value        This path will be used to check the health of your site.
   --host-override value      The host header will be overwritten with this field.
   --http-subdomain value     This will be used as your local DNS address. (e.g. app-prod1 would turn into http://app-prod1.<your-org-name>
   --id value                 datasource id
   --name value               datasource name
   --port-override value      port profile override (default: -1)
   --tags value               tags e.g. 'key=value,...'
   --timeout value            set time limit for command
   --url value                The base address of your website without the path.