sdm ready
Last modified on March 24, 2023
sdm ready - reports if the listener is ready for use.
sdm ready [command options] [datasource name]
sdm ready reports if the listener is ready for use.
This command returns a detailed view on whether the StrongDM client is
ready to serve connections. It uses the binary combination of the following
codes to indicate what could be wrong:
255 indicates that some internal error has happened and it cannot assert readiness.
1 the StrongDM listener is not running.
2 the StrongDM listener did not load its internal state yet or the user is not logged in.
4 the StrongDM listener is not yet connected to a gateway.
8 datasource name does not match any of the known datasources for the logged in account.
16 there is not a gateway with a possible route to the chosen datasource.
32 the chosen datasource is not connected.
--quiet, -q do not print the details in the standard error