macOS Installation Guide

Last modified on February 6, 2025


This guide provides information to download and install StrongDM on macOS. The primary download package includes the StrongDM Desktop application and a command-line interface (CLI). You can optionally download the CLI independently from the Admin UI.

Download StrongDM

Use the following steps to download the desktop app and CLI on macOS. To bypass the desktop app, you can download the CLI independently.

  1. Open the invitation email you received for your StrongDM account and follow the directions to set up your account.

  2. Log in to StrongDM and go to the Download & Install page in the Admin UI.

    Example of Admin UI Download & Install Page
    Example of Admin UI Download & Install Page

  3. Under macOS, click Download StrongDM for macOS to download the desktop app and CLI immediately, or click Show download options for other options.

    • PKG: This universal installer version includes the desktop app and CLI together and provides easy prompts that guide you through the installation process. If used with admin privilege, the PKG installer installs StrongDM and the StrongDM Virtual Network Adapter (which enables you to access Virtual Networking Mode resources that may be available to you). If used without admin privilege, the PKG installer installs StrongDM but not the adapter. StrongDM is installed in the home directory (/Users/<USERNAME>/Applications).
    • DMG: This universal full version includes the desktop app and CLI together and is installed manually. The DMG version does not install the StrongDM Virtual Network Adapter. Choose DMG if you want to install the desktop app without the adapter.
    • CLI: The StrongDM CLI option includes only the CLI (not the desktop app) for x86-64 or ARM64 architectures. Download and install the CLI only if you don’t want to install the desktop app.

    Once the download is successful, the file name appears as SDM-<VERSION_NUMBER>.dmg or SDM-<VERSION_NUMBER>.universal.pkg, depending on the selected kind.

  4. Optionally check that the downloaded binary is legitimate and verify the checksum, as in the following example:

    $ sha256sum SDM-21.54.0.dmg
    9436778e0c922f621e0456b2694e0ad7dd50de8501632ee784b8add38bac5c5a SDM-21.54.0.dmg

    The checksum should match the value in the SHA256 Checksum section of the Admin UI.

    Example of StrongDM SHA256 Checksums on the Admin UI Download & Install Page
    Example of StrongDM SHA256 Checksums on the Admin UI Download & Install Page

Install StrongDM



Launch StrongDM

Use these steps to launch the desktop app on macOS. When connected to resources via the desktop app, all resource access gets routed through StrongDM.

  1. To launch the desktop app, double-click the SDM icon in your list of applications.

  2. The sdm icon appears in the menu bar. Click this icon to log in.

  3. Enter the email and password for your StrongDM account. If your company uses single sign-on (SSO), you may also be redirected to your SSO provider.

  4. After logging in, go to the Resource Center to view a list of resources you have permission to access.

    Example Resource Center
    Example Resource Center
  5. Click one of these resources to enable a connection and gain access. A green lightning bolt icon appears next to the connected resource.

  6. You can now connect to the resource on your machine using your preferred tool. When prompted for connection information, you can typically use localhost for the hostname/IP, leave the username and password blank, and specify the port listed next to the resource in StrongDM Desktop. If the connection fails using these defaults, check the Connect to Resources section for more information.

Set up the StrongDM CLI

Download the StrongDM CLI Only

On macOS, you can bypass the desktop application and download the CLI independently. Use the following steps to install the CLI only.

  1. Open the invitation email you received for your StrongDM account.

  2. Click the link included in the email to set your password.

  3. Log in to StrongDM and go to the Download & Install page in the Admin UI.

  4. Under macOS, click Show download options.

  5. From the Download the StrongDM CLI section, download the StrongDM CLI for your architecture. The files are downloaded to a zipped folder on your computer. This depends on your architecture, but the folder name appears as sdmcli_<VERSION_NUMBER>

  6. Unzip the file:

    unzip sdmcli_<VERSION-NUMBER>
  7. Move the unzipped file to your usr/local/bin/ directory. We suggest this location since it is usually part of the PATH variable, ensuring you can run sdm commands from any folder in the terminal.

  8. To connect to resources with the standalone binary, you must run a listener manually. Use sdm listen to run the listener in the background.

For detailed information on how to use the desktop app and CLI, please see the documentation:
