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SDMSA-2022:001 - StrongDM Security Advisory

This Security Advisory is for a local privilege escalation issue in StrongDM's Windows CLI installer. This is resolved in version 35.61.0 and above.

Security Advisory Content

SDMSA-2022:001 - StrongDM Security Advisory


Date Published



StrongDM’s older versions of the standalone Windows CLI installer are subject to a High severity vulnerability: Local Privilege Escalation due to improper access controls on non-default installation directory location.


This vulnerability could allow for Local Privilege Escalation on a shared system if the SDM Windows Service Account CLI was installed by an Admin in certain non-default folders.

Affected Products & Versions

Local Privilege Escalation vulnerability affects Windows Service Account (CLI) versions up through 35.55.0.


Any customers using the standalone Windows StrongDM CLI should update to the sdm-cli version 35.61.0 or above.

Vulnerability Details

CVE ID CVSS v3.1 Score CVE Description CWE Class
CVE-2022-TBD 7.1 Local Privilege Escalation due to improper ACLs on non-default installation directory location CWE-276: Incorrect Default Permissions


StrongDM would like to thank Marius Gabriel Mihai for reporting this issue.


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