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Simplify SOC 2 compliance.

StrongDM offers a free suite of tools and templates to get you SOC 2-certified fast.

SOC 2 compliance impacts the whole company. DevOps is on the hook for the tedious administrative work of collecting and reviewing logs required for an audit. Security and Compliance teams need answers fast for timely responses to audits. And finally, even Sales is chomping at the bit for this year’s report to help close deals.

Speed up audit response times.

More detail

Capture precise details of every session, query, and command across your entire infrastructure (DBs, servers, clusters, web apps, clouds . . .)

More coverage

Review logs to see admin activities, queries, live replays of SSH or RDP sessions, and even search within these captured sessions.

Faster answers

Centralize all log collections (query logs, web logs, activity logs) into one place.

Easier log collections = Faster audit responses.

Since evidence collection is automated, you’re able to respond to audits much more quickly than one relying on manual collection.

Olive logo

Having the ability to have line-by-line, high-fidelity, query-by-query access to core databases, saved in an immutable infrastructure is a security and compliance person's Holy Grail, and we got that with StrongDM.”

Vivek Desai, VP of Cloud Infrastructure at Olive
Vivek Desai
VP of Cloud Infrastructure, Olive

Close any audit gaps.

StrongDM supports your entire stack so that there are no exceptions. Audit every permission change, every query & command, so that when auditors ask for evidence, you have the answers.

Free tools and best practices for SOC 2 compliance.

Having been through the process ourselves, we know from our own lessons learned what it takes to successfully achieve SOC 2 compliance.

We’ve put together a suite of tools, templates, and best practices that enable you to:

  • Leverage pre-authored policies
  • Track versions with Github
  • Assign compliance tasks through Jira
  • Monitor progress in a unified dashboard

Best of all, it’s totally free and open source! So, if you think of ways to make it even better, please do!

One platform. No BS.

Want to learn more?
See StrongDM in action. 👀