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Want to master Kubernetes access control? 🚀 Join our upcoming webinar!

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Justin McCarthy
Justin McCarthy
Co-Founder & CTO, StrongDM
Schuyler Brown
Schuyler Brown
Co-Founder & CCO, StrongDM
Kellen Anker
Kellen Anker
Infrastructure Engineer, StrongDM
Dominic Garcia
Dominic Garcia
Sr. Director Marketing, StrongDM

We’ve all seen it before. Your team needs access to that resource or tool just to do your job or hit that deadline. But you’re stopped in your tracks. Your request is stuck in approvals, it’s taking too long to jump through security hoops, and it seems like your only option is to spin up your own system or find some way in. But now that pressure to do your job has opened your company up to security risk. This starts the access, productivity, and security vicious cycle.

This on-demand panel discussion will address: 

  • How access, security, and productivity create a vicious cycle, how this manifests in the real world, and importantly, how to break it
  • The latest research and trends in access management
  • An open Q&A with real-world practitioners

Watch the webinar