
Cloudwatch: Integrating into a Jenkins workflow
Developers who use Jenkins to automate software projects need uninterrupted access to data sources, servers, containers, and more. StrongDM sends session logs from across your infrastructure to Amazon Cloudwatch, helping ensure the operational health of your network so teams can focus on getting things done.
14-day free trial, no credit card required.
Cloudwatch 🤝 Jenkins
To get started collecting activity logs in Cloudwatch and integrating them into your Jenkins workflow, sign up for a free trial account on StrongDM, then visit Send Logs to Cloudwatch linked below.

Trusted by

StrongDM sends access and session logs to Cloudwatch, providing users with secure, context-rich understanding of user activity.
StrongDM gives Jenkins users confidence that they’re granting exactly the intended access to their projects. No more, No less.
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