
Set up Okta to manage EKS authentication for strongDM
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) helps teams create, run, and scale Kubernetes operations by automating container scheduling, node provisioning, and more. With StrongDM’s custom Okta integration, you can authenticate to all systems in your AWS environment, ensuring that the right users always have access to Kubernetes clusters and any other resources they need.
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Okta 🤝 EKS
To set up Okta to manage EKS authentication for StrongDM, sign up for a free trial account on StrongDM, then visit Add an EKS Cluster linked below.

Trusted by

StrongDM makes authentication familiar to users by integrating with identity providers like Okta, creating a single entry point for user access.
StrongDM gives EKS users confidence that they’re granting exactly the intended access to teams deploying workloads to those clusters. No more, No less.
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