
PostgreSQL: Integrating into a Jenkins workflow
Jenkins is an automation server that software developers use to facilitate continuous integration and continuous delivery on software projects. StrongDM simplifies your development workflow by allowing admins to grant role-based access to PostgreSQL and other systems across your infrastructure. With StrongDM, the right people always have exactly the access they need.
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PostgreSQL 🤝 Jenkins
To set up one-click access to PostgreSQL and start integrating it into your Jenkins workflow, sign up for a free trial account on StrongDM, then visit Add PostgreSQL linked below.

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StrongDM supports all the popular PostgreSQL clients. From pgAdmin to DBeaver to OmniDB, as long as the client is capable of connection to PostgreSQL, it will work with StrongDM.
StrongDM gives Jenkins users confidence that they’re granting exactly the intended access to their projects. No more, No less.
More PostgreSQL Connections
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