
Presto: Integrating into a VersionOne workflow
Presto is a distributed SQL query engine that approaches the speed of commercial data warehouses. Collaborators using VersionOne to improve the speed and delivery of software projects need access to Presto and other databases. StrongDM simplifies collaboration and improves your VersionOne workflow with centralized, one-click access to Presto and other technical infrastructure.
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Presto 🤝 VersionOne
To set up one-click access to Presto and start integrating it into your VersionOne workflow, sign up for a free trial account on StrongDM, then visit Add Presto linked below.

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StrongDM supports all the popular PrestoDB clients. From Airpal to Redash to Superset, as long as the client is capable of connection to Presto, it will work with StrongDM.
StrongDM gives users access to databases, servers, clusters and more so VersionOne users can collaborate across teams with no interruptions to workflow.
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