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What’s New at StrongDM | April 2023

What’s New at StrongDM | April 2023

Spring has sprung and the audits will come. How efficient are you at audit preparation? At StrongDM we reduce the administrative load and help
Connect to Even More Resources with StrongDM’s AWS Management Console

Connect to Even More Resources with StrongDM’s AWS Management Console

We’ve just launched our AWS Management Console, adding yet another supported authentication method to improve control and auditability–so you can
New Feature Deep Dives: Advanced Insights 🔐
New Feature Deep Dives: Advanced Insights 🔐
One thing is clear in the software space: New features aren’t adopted if they don’t solve specific problems for the people who actually use the product. Solving real problems means conducting research and asking hard questions. It means gathering evidence and interviewing multiple customers as well as leaders in the space to relieve the pain and positively impact the business.
StrongDM vs. Teleport: Side-by-Side Comparison
StrongDM vs. Teleport: Side-by-Side Comparison
Both StrongDM and Teleport are access control solutions designed to provide secure access to databases, servers, clusters, and web apps. While there are some similarities between the two solutions, there are also some key differences.
7 Cyber Insurance Requirements (And How to Meet Them)
7 Cyber Insurance Requirements (And How to Meet Them)
Organizations must meet comprehensive cyber insurance requirements to qualify for coverage. This article defines seven key cybersecurity insurance requirements. Adhering to these requirements will ensure you’ve covered your bases in case of a claim.
Augmenting Legacy PAM with StrongDM: Getting to Dynamic Access
Augmenting Legacy PAM with StrongDM: Getting to Dynamic Access
We constantly hear about the gender gap in technology. Whether it’s the shortage of female founders and CEOs, claims of discrimination, or the comparatively small number of women in computer science majors, it seems that the issue has become a regular feature story in the news cycle. Disagreement over how to respond abounds on social media, in editorials, and not infrequently within tech companies themselves.
33+ Must-Know Women In Tech Statistics for 2025
33+ Must-Know Women In Tech Statistics for 2025
We constantly hear about the gender gap in technology. Whether it’s the shortage of female founders and CEOs, claims of discrimination, or the comparatively small number of women in computer science majors, it seems that the issue has become a regular feature story in the news cycle. Disagreement over how to respond abounds on social media, in editorials, and not infrequently within tech companies themselves.
CISA Zero Trust Maturity Model (TL;DR Version)
CISA Zero Trust Maturity Model (TL;DR Version)
In the 1990s, the TV series “The X-Files” made the phrase “Trust No One” popular. Now, with cybercrime increasing at an alarming rate, “trust no one” – or Zero Trust – is a phrase echoing through enterprises. In 2021, the average number of cyberattacks and data breaches increased by 15.1%. That same year, the U.S. government spent $8.64 billion of its $92.17 billion IT budget to combat cybercrime. It also released the CISA Zero Trust Maturity Model.
SD-WAN vs. VPN: All You Need to Know
SD-WAN vs. VPN: All You Need to Know
Networking decisions can be challenging, and no one wants to make a costly mistake. The information in this article will help you understand how SD-WAN and VPN compare, so you can decide which option fits your organization best. You can find a networking solution that provides your employees with a secure internet connection while meeting your business needs and budget.
What is Cloud Scalability? Examples, Benefits, and More
What is Cloud Scalability? Examples, Benefits, and More
Cloud computing isn’t a trend, it’s how businesses grow. In 2022, most enterprises said they use cloud services, and more than half say they plan to spend even more on cloud applications and infrastructure in 2023. Cloud scalability offers flexibility at a reasonable price, making it an important business tool. In this article we’ll discuss what scalability is in cloud computing, the benefits of cloud computing scalability, and discuss ways businesses use scalability.
What is API Security? Risks, Checklist, and More
What is API Security? Risks, Checklist, and More
At any given moment, your network may be under attack. Are you prepared? Broken API authentication can expose your data and let hackers in. A data breach compromises an organization as well as its customers, destroying trust and losing customers. Don’t worry, though. The API security best practices in this article help you protect your network from malicious attacks.
DoD Zero Trust Strategy Explained (TL;DR Version)
DoD Zero Trust Strategy Explained (TL;DR Version)
On the heels of President Joe Biden’s Executive Order (EO) 14028, the memo recommending Zero Trust Architecture to protect US government computers, the US Department of Defense (DoD) issued its own Department of Defense Zero Trust Strategy. Published in October 2022, the DoD Zero Trust Strategy addresses the rapid growth of cyber threats and the need for an enhanced cybersecurity framework.
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